Dr. Cao Xuanwei

Secretary General

Associate Professor of International Business School of Xi’an Jiaotong- Liverpool University

Dr. Cao is also the Secretary General of the Academic Committee of UN Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) China

Dr. Xuanwei Cao is an associate professor in strategy and sustainability management at International Business School Suzhou (IBSS), Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University(XJTLU). Dr. Cao’s research interest, at the intersection of strateqy and sustainability, includes corporate environment strategy, corporate sustainability strategy, sustainable entrepreneurship and sustainability innovation. Dr. Cao is the honorary “Middle- Aged Academic Leadership” awarded by ‘Qing-Lan Project’ of the Education Department of Jiangsu Province. Within IBSS of XJTLU, Dr. Cao is the Director of the Centre for Responsible and Sustainable Business Education. Dr. Cao is also the founder, convener and host of PRME China Signatories Sustainability Management Education Roundtable Forum, an annual event of PRME signatories for promoting sustainability management education among Chinese business schools. Beyond IBSS,Dr. Cao keeps close engagement with local government, business and social organization partners in Suzhou and Shanghai. Dr. Cao is an invited expert of China Industry Enterprises Corporate Social Responsibility Think Tank of China Federation of Industrial Economics. In May 2021,Dr. Cao was nominated as the Vice Chairman and Executive Secretary of PRME China Academic Committee .

Ms. Ni Huan

Deputy Secretary General

Founding Director of Suzhou Industrial Park Green Light-Year Science Populization Service Center

She is also the Director of ESG Development Center, Shanghai Pudong New Energy Association (SPNEA).

Ms. Ni, Founding Director of Shanghai Green Light-Year Environmental Service Center, China Member of IUCN CEC and Director of ESG Development and Promotion Center of Shanghai Pudong New Energy Association. She has 20 years of experience in developing and managing international projects with multi-national corporations, international organizations and Chinese governmental agencies. Apart from having been professional project managers and fund-raising managers, she is also a communications expert in managing government relations and corporate relations. She has proven expertise to manage and deliver thematic projects on corporate social responsibility (CSR) and corporate citizenship, public-private partnership, SME Development, microfinance, socially responsible investment (SRI), green financing in China, environmental protection and climate change. A Graduate from Cambridge University (under UK Government’s Chevening Scholarship), she is a passionate networker to bridge Chinese organizations with the rest of the world. 

Helen has been working with a local commercial bank, PwC London’s CSR and SME development project in Sichuan with DFID, UNDP China, IFC under the World Bank Group, the Policy Research Center for Environment and Economy under the Ministry of Environmental Protection, UNEP Finance Initiative, and WWF China.

She was a member of the policy task force under G20 Saudi 2020 on “UN SDGs and Development Cooperation”. She is the only Chinese expert in the policy brief groups of G20.

Ms. Gong Wenzhu


Project Coordinator of Green Light-Year.

Wenzhu Gong is currently the Project Coordinator of Suzhou Industry Park Green Light-Year Environmental Protection Service Center, the secretary of RCE Suzhou Secretariat, and a senior member of Guizhou Province Yuxia Volunteer Association. She graduated from Xi’an Jiaotong Liverpool University and received a BA in International Relations.

Her areas of interest are Education for Sustainable Development, educational inequalities in technical and vocational education, innovative employment for vocational school students and related policies. She has attended the COP15 “Diverse Life, Colorful World” event and the 2021 Yangtze River Delta Biodiversity and Ecological Civilization Education Forum, the 2021 Annual Conference of the World Benchmark Alliance, and the 3rd China International Solar Decathlon Competition, Shanghai Pudong New District 13th Annual Academic Symposium & 2022 New Energy Industry ESG and Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality Strategy Conference, with Huan Ni, the Founding Director of the Green Light-Year.

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